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Your search by verb : 193 item(s) selected for :  'cut'

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11403V   glass cutter Vitrom®, wooden handle (x 12)  

11412F   glass cutter Vitrom wooden handle 135° carbide  

11412F   glass cutter Vitrom wooden handle 135° carbide  

11435F   glass cutter M15 - oil tank  

11443P   glass cutter - A.S. (x12)  

11444Q   glass cutter - A.S. x 1  

11447T   barrel A.S. with 6 wheels  

11474X   glass cutter Vitrom® - mounting for Vitrom® glasscutter  

11475Y   glass cutter Vitrom®, special professional cutter  

11476Z   glass cutter Vitrom®- special "PYROCERAM"  

11503D   glass cutter - oil tank  

11840V   circle cutter Adler Selection, 6 processed steel cutting wheels, dia. 60  

11841W   circle cutter Adler Selection, 6 processed steel cutting wheels, dia. 100  

12001V   cutting wheel - tungsten carbide 135°  

12002W   barrel without wheel  

12005Z   cutting wheel - tungsten carbide (x 10)  

12007B   cutting wheels - tungsten carbide (x 50)  

12012H   cutting head for glass cutters M11 and M159H  

12014K   cutting head for 114 04W  

12300V   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 1  

12301W   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1  

12302X   cutting wheels Vitrum® 95° x 50  

12303Y   cutting wheel Vitrum®, 95° x 1  

12304Z   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1  

12305A   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1   on request

12306B   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1  

12307C   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cuttin wheel, 145° x 1  

12308D   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1  

12309F   cutting wheel Vitrum® , 100° x 1  

12310G   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 1   on request

12311H   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 25  

12312J   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25  

12313K   cutting wheel Vitrum® , 105° x 1  

12314L   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25  

12315M   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25  

12316N   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25  

12317P   cutting wheel Vitrum® , 110° x 1  

12318Q   cutting wheels Vitrum®, 110° for cristal industry x 50  

12319R   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25  

12320S   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25  

12321T   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 25  

12322U   Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 135° x 25  

12323V   Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 140° x 25  

12324W   Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 145° x 25  

12325X   Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 150° x 25  

12326Y   Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 155° x 25  

12327Z   Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 125° x 25  

12328A   cutting wheel Vitrum® , 114° x 1  

12329B   cutting wheels Vitrum®, 114° x 50   on request

12330C   cutting wheels Vitrum®, 114° for crystal industry x 50  

12331D   Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 130° x 25  

12341Q   wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25  

12342R   wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25  

12343S   wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25  

12344T   wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25  

12345U   wheel-holders No 3 with Vitrum® F cutting wheel, 118° x 100  

12346V   cutting wheel Vitrum®, 118° x 1  

12347W   cutting wheels Vitrum®, 118° x 50  

12348X   wheel-holder n°1, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 1  

12349Y   wheel-holder n°1, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 25  

12350Z   wheel-holder n°3, steel, with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 1  

12351A   wheel-holder n°3, steel, with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 25  

12352B   wheel-holder n°5 with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 1  

12353C   wheel-holder n°5, with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 25  

12354D   wheel-holder n°7, steel, with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 1  

12355F   wheel-holder n°7, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 25  

12356G   wheel-holder n°9, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118°x 1  

12357H   wheel-holder n°20, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 1  

12358J   wheel-holder n°10, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118°x 1  

12359K   wheel-holder n°20, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 25  

12360L   cutting-wheels Vitrum® 118° for crystal industry x 50  

12363P   wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25  

12364Q   wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25  

12365R   wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 25  

12366S   wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 95° x 25 (on request)  

12367T   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® F cutting wheel, 125° x 100  

12369V   cutting wheel Vitrum® , 125° x 1  

12370W   wheels Vitrum® 125° x 50  

12371X   steel wheel-holder n°1, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1  

12372Y   steel wheel-holder n°1, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25  

12373Z   steel wheel-holder n°3, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1  

12374A   steel wheel-holder n°3, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25  

12375B   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1  

12376C   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25  

12377D   wheel-holder n°7, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1  

12378F   wheel-holder n°7, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25  

12379G   wheel-holder n°9, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1  

12380H   wheel-holder n°20, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1  

12381J   wheel-holder n°10, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1  

12382K   wheel-holder n°20, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25  

12388R   cutting-wheels Vitrum® 130° x 50  

12389S   wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1  

12390T   wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25  

12391U   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1  

12392V   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25  

12393W   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel: 130°x 1  

12394X   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25  

12395Y   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1  

12396Z   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25  

12397A   wheel-holder n°9, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1  

12398B   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1  

12400D   wheel-holder n°10, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1  

12401F   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25  

12403H   cutting wheel Vitrum® P x 1  

12405K   wheel-holders n°3 with Vitrum® F cutting wheel, 135° x 100  

12406L   cutting wheel Vitrum® , 135° x 1  

12407M   cutting wheels Vitrum® 135° x 50  

12408N   wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1  

12409P   wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25  

12410Q   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1  

12411R   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25  

12412S   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1  

12413T   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25  

12414U   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1  

12415V   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25  

12416W   wheel-holder n°9, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1  

12417X   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1  

12418Y   wheel-holder n°10, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1  

12419Z   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25  

12424F   wheel-holder n°1, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1  

12425G   wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25  

12426H   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1  

12427J   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25  

12428K   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1  

12429L   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25  

12430M   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1  

12431N   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1  

12432P   wheel-holder n°10, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1  

12433Q   cutting wheel Vitrum®, 140° x 1  

12434R   cutting wheels Vitrum® 140° x 50  

12435S   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25  

12437U   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1  

12438V   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25  

12442Z   wheel-holder n°1, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1  

12443A   wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25  

12444B   wheel-holders n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1  

12445C   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25  

12446D   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1  

12447F   cutting wheel Vitrum® 145° x 1  

12448G   cutting wheels Vitrum® 145° x 50  

12449H   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25  

12450J   wheel-holder n°9, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1  

12451K   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1  

12452L   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25  

12453M   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1  

12454N   wheel-holder n°10, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1  

12455P   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25  

12458S   wheel-holders n°3, steel with Vitrum® F cutting wheel, 145° x 100  

12459T   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® A cutting wheel, 145° x 25  

12460U   wheel-holder n°7, steel ith Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1  

12461V   cutting wheel Vitrum® 150° x 1  

12462W   wheels Vitrum® 150° x 50  

12463X   wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1  

12464Y   wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25  

12465Z   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1  

12466A   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25  

12467B   wheel-holders n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1  

12468C   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25  

12469D   wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25  

12470F   wheel-holder n°9, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1  

12471G   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1  

12472H   wheel-holder n°10, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1  

12473J   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25  

12475L   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® A cutting wheel, 150° x 25  

12478P   cutting wheel Vitrum® 155° x 1  

12479Q   cutting wheels Vitrum® 155° x 50  

12481S   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® A cutting wheel, 155° x 25  

12482T   wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 1  

12484V   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 1  

12485W   wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 25  

12486X   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 1  

12487Y   wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 25  

12551T   cutting wheels Vitrum® S132° for crystal industrie x 50  

12574T   Holder N°12 for Vitrum® cutting-wheel   According to the stock available

12591M   axles made of hardened true steel, dia. 1.5 mm, L5,8, for Vitrum® wheel x 10   According to the stock available

12592N   axles Vitrum® 1.5 x 4.8 - Hardened steel x 10  

12593P   axles made of true steel, dia. 1.5 mm, L6,8, for Vitrum® wheel x 10  

12594Q   axles for Vitrum® cutting-wheel - Length 8,8 mm   According to the stock available

12595R   axles made of hardened true steel, dia. 1,5 mm, L 7,8 for Vitrum® wheel x 10   According to the stock available

12596S   axle for Vitrum® cutting-wheel - Length 9.8 mm x 10   According to the stock available

12597T   axle for Vitrum® cutting-wheel - Length 13,8 mm x 10   According to the stock available

12598U   axles for Vitrum® cutting-wheel - Length 15,8 x10 mm   According to the stock available

20516A   felt, synthetic black, width 200 cm  

20520F   castor left, 50 mm  

20524K   castor right, 50 mm  

20537Y   pierrot-right  

20538Z   Pierrot - left  

80518V   Mitring cutter kit adler seals  

82502B   Cutting oil, 25 ml  

82503C   glass-cutter, carbide wheel  

82506G   gloves with oversleeve  

82516S   glass cutter with 6 steel wheels  

99909X   cutting  

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