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Your search by index : 29 item  found for :  Wood wedge


38026J   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 35 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 100 According to the stock available

38027K   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 35 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 100 According to the stock available

38028L   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 735 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 100 According to the stock available

38029M   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 35 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 1.3.5 mm, 3x20 According to the stock available

38030N   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 1000

38031P   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 1000

38032Q   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 1000

38033R   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 1 mm,natural color x 1000

38034S   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 1000

38035T   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000

38036U   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000

38037V   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000

38038W   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000

38039X   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000

38040Y   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000

38041Z   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000

38042A   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000

38043B   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000

38044C   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000

38045D   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000

38046F   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000

38047G   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000

38048H   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000

38049J   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000

38050K   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000

38051L   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000

38052M   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000

38053N   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000

38054P   wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000

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